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Farm Girl: Where Health Food Meets Hollywood Glamour (With a Side of Rose Latte)

The Aussie Invasion of Notting Hill

Picture this: It's 2015, and Notting Hill's Portobello Road is about to be hit by a tsunami of avocado toast and influencers. The culprit? Farm Girl Cafe, the Aussie-inspired healthfood haven that's about to make kale sexy and lattes Instagram-worthy.

Fast forward to today, and that curious queue you spot? That's not the line for a celebrity book signing or a sample sale. Oh no, my friend. That's the who's who of London waiting to snag a table at Farm Girl. And let's be real, they're probably all there for the Rose Latte. (Can you blame them? It's basically a bouquet in a cup!)

The Cup Conundrum: Making Coffee Instagrammable

When Farm Girl approached us, they didn't just want coffee cups. They wanted wearable art that happened to hold coffee. Because at Farm Girl, the cup is as much a part of the experience as the latte art and those oh-so-photogenic rose petal splashes.

Our mission, should we choose to accept it (spoiler: we did), was to create cups that were:

  1. As stylish as a Notting Hill resident on their way to brunch
  2. Sturdy enough to withstand a thousand photo ops
  3. The perfect canvas for Farm Girl's signature latte art

No pressure, right?

Roll Baby, Roll: The Spin-Off Success

Just when we thought we'd mastered the art of the perfect coffee cup, Farm Girl threw us a curveball. They were launching a new concept – Roll Baby – and they needed us to bring our A-game once again.

This wasn't just about creating packaging. Oh no, we were about to become packaging therapists, brand whisperers, and roll roll confidants.

The Great Roll Baby Adventure

Here's how we rolled (pun absolutely intended) with Roll Baby:

  1. Immersion Therapy: We dove deep into the Roll Baby brand, becoming one with the rolls. We were basically honorary roll fillings by the end.
  2. Size Matters: We meticulously crafted the perfect box sizes. One roll, two rolls, four rolls – we had a box for every roll-based scenario.
  3. Bag It Up: We created bespoke twisted handle and block bottom bags, because even when you're carrying rolls, you should look fabulous.
  4. Coffee, Anyone?: Of course, we couldn't forget the branded coffee cups. Because what's a roll without a perfectly packaged coffee to go with it?
  5. Function Meets Fashion: We nailed the practical stuff first, then worked our magic to make everything look as cool as a cucumber roll.

The Result: Packaging That's Ready for Its Close-Up

The end result? Packaging that's so Instagrammable, it probably has its own influencer contract by now. We're talking bright, bold, and more memorable than your first bite of avocado toast.

Every piece of packaging we created for Roll Baby isn't just functional; it's a portable piece of the Farm Girl aesthetic. It's packaging that says, "Yeah, I'm just carrying my lunch, but I look like I'm walking the runway at London Fashion Week."

From Farm Girl to Roll Baby, we've been on a journey that's taken us from coffee cups to roll boxes, from rose lattes to savory sensations. And through it all, we've created packaging that's as unforgettable as the food it holds.

So next time you're in Notting Hill and spot a queue of stylish folks clutching bright, beautiful bags and boxes, you'll know – that's not just takeout. That's a Farm Girl experience, packaged to perfection.

Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a sudden craving for a Rose Latte and a roll... or four.

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